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Got a web site already? Have you ever wondered how much web hosting space you actually used? There are a lot of factors that will determine that. What do you do with your website, or what are your future plans such as a photo gallery or download availability of files? Photo files are a big part of your webspace availability and if you have an itchy trigger finger, you’ll find that you will have hundreds, if not thousands of photos before you realize it. It’s good to at least have an idea that you will be using quite a bit of webspace (storage) before looking for a hosting provider. A business based web site needs only as much storage as needed IF it has a large product line, but most businesses already know approximately how much they will require beforehand. Personal web sites are very ambiguous, so it is more difficult to gauge whether the web site will grow or maintain what it already has with minimal increase of storage needs.

Worrying about web storage is not the be all and end all in making a decision regarding which web host you should use. You do need to think about long term because it is not in your best interest to find a web host and find out there won’t be enough webspace for the future. Then that would mean finding a new host, then moving all your files. This is obviously not in any individual’s wishes.
Webspace, what’s it worth to you?

There are many companies out there that offer massive amounts of webspace, or at least seem to at a very very low cost. Many web hosting companies that offer this will play the numbers game and hope that 90% of the customers, only use 10% of the space and therefore, things even out. The average website barely uses 10% of the webspace given to them and more often than not, it does work out. If you want to be safe, choose a web host that costs a bit more and offers less space. This may sound really unorthodox, but realistically, it offers a fair service for a fair price and not something that MIGHT or might not have problems in the future. Do not get yourself into a situation where a problem can occur. It is always a good idea to prepare yourself and be cautious. After your decision is made, always retain a copy of your files as nothing in this world is 100% full proof and it would be a shame for you to lose your files permanently that might have taken you years to build up.


Arnold A. said...

Very well said! Nice post. For me, when I am choosing a webhost, first I search for some reviews about the webhost then about the Storage and then how much its cost. Some webhost cost for $10/year but 50mb storage only. I love this blog. Very informative! Keep it up! ;D


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