Web Hosting Company

Saturday |

Do you already have a web site and are thinking of upgrading or possibly moving to another web hosting company? This can be a difficult decision to make because you end up asking yourself; is this going to improve my site? Will this get any better? Am I jumping from the frying pan into the fire? Most hosting company’s will tell you that for only a few dollars that they will give you everything and the kitchen sink, but they also protect themselves by stating that while you have access to the resources that the package offers, you cannot impede on the resources of the server as it is a “shared” environment. This may sound like false advertising or misleading, but it isn’t. It is only logical as you may understand that as long as you do not affect other users negatively because you are hindering the performance of their web sites, you will be able to use as much as you need, within “fair use”. It becomes a problem only when you know your web site is highly used and you try to get away with something cheap. Be realistic and if you know that your web site needs better resources, then PAY for it.
When to upgrade or move to another web hosting company?

You may be using your web site for personal use or for business, but in the end you want the performance to be stable and not fluctuate up and down all the time. There are many web hosts out there that ONLY offer one service and that is shared web hosting. If and when you outgrow this or you are asked to upgrade because you are utilizing too many resources, you have no place to go, but to another company. Sounds simple? Not even close. This would mean countless hours of downtime and possible restructuring of your website (WHEN you finally do find a new web hosting company), not to mention the potential emails lost. Even with a smooth migration of your site, you will still encounter issues. Do you really want to put up with that? As you search through review lists of other web hosting companies, look for those that will handle your needs down the road. You may not ever need to upgrade or move to another web hosting company, but it is always nice to know that you don’t hit a dead end if the need arises.


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