How dynamic DNS works

Tuesday |

One of the important factors about the DNS is that it may be required to be dynamic especially when a particular domain is assigned to a computer with a changing IP address. In order for the DNS to have the capacity to be updated in real time, a system was created in order to address these required changes. The dynamic DNS therefore allows the domain name data to go through these modifications in real time.

How the dynamic DNS works is based on how DNS works although the dynamic systems integrated to the whole function allows more flexibility in its features. The importance of this function is that this gives the possibility for other sites to be able to establish a connection without necessarily to continuously track the IP addresses by this specific server. This is deemed helpful for sites that are also dynamic such as the consumer-focused Internet service providers. As an integral part of the Active Directory, the dynamic DNS needs to establish its maximum caching time by a few minutes in order to avoid any incidences of retaining old addresses in the different in the sites’ respective DNS cache. This also helps in the speed of contact between the servers.

When it comes to implementing Dynamic DNS in server operators, it can be initially done by miximizing the caching time or the intervals between the caching of the domains by a shorter period; in this case, the caching can be set to about one or two minutes.

Implementing dynamic DNS is also made possible through DNS hosting services where their serves retain current addresses in their database and provide client program that sends updates when changes in the IP addresses take place. Specific features in dynamic DNS hosting also depends on the service provider and the firmware that is used. For example, routers are designed to support specific dynamic DNS features such as the UMAX Ugate-3000, the first router that was able to support dnynamic DNS.

Another important note on the dynamic DNS is described by RFC 2136 as a protocol through the nsupdate utility. Although the dynamic DNS can be considered as an important feature for particular sites, an updating DNS can be also considered dangerous for security and stability reason. This is to say that it is important to utilize a feature that can authenticate dynamic DNS updates such as TSIG and using the HMAC-MD5 hash key.

Alternatives have been also designed such as Microsoft’s GSS-TSIG that usees Kerberos for authentication; this also automates the installation of hash keys. Hence, the GSS-TSIG has become a proposed standard and operating systems that run on Microsoft Windows 2000, Widows XP and Windows 2003 only uses this authenticated dynamic DNS support system. Hence, dynamic DNS has actually created a niche in different markets, especially when it comes to its potentia in the server ector. The dynamic DNS has also evolved with the continuous developments on Internet technologies, especially when it comes to better speeds and the available computer technology; this therefore gave an opportunity to the home server markets which has taken advantage of offering services for dynamic DNS functions. Hence, it is possible for small websites to become a host a dynamic IP address by merely installing relevat server setups which can still function despite its amateur level.

‘Dynamic DNS’. 2008. Wikipedia. [Online] Available at:
‘What is Dynamic DNS?’. N.d. The Tech-FAQ. [Online] Avaiable at:


Anonymous said...

This is deemed helpful for sites that are also dynamic such as the consumer-focused Internet service providers. website hosting services india

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